Donald Crowhurst Movie Update
Clark April 19th, 2017
My original announcement of the movie is here. There has been little news since, but the production company has thrown us a few bones:
1. It’s actually happening! There is going to be a mainstream movie about Donald Crowhurst and the 1968 Sunday Times Golden Globe Race, starring Oscar best actor winner Colin Firth as Crowhurst, and Rachel Weisz as Clare Crowhurst. This is likely to be the biggest movie ever made about sailing, or at least sailboat racing. They couldn’t have chosen a more fascinating and portentous moment in our sport.
2. They released the photo above. That’s it. That’s the teaser. A still of Colin Firth, as Crowhurst, looking worried aboard the re-created Teignmouth Electron. Read into it what you will.
3. The title of the film is The Mercy.
Beyond that they just say it will be released in 2017 sometime, and I will be the first in line.
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