Made the Paper

Clark June 23rd, 2008

I’m small town famous:

She plays me out to be quite the daredevil…and a small correction, that’s an 800-foot container ship, not an 80-foot container ship.

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Comment by Hoyle Schweitzer
2008-08-17 15:47:43

we miss your blog

Comment by Celeste White
2008-09-02 15:09:24

Yeah, we do, geez! Slacker :)

Comment by Richard Clopton
2008-09-03 09:53:08

Clark — Just read our article about Peru in Sail Magazine, then located your site. Planning a trip from SF Bay to Chile and onward to Southern Tuamotus in 2010. Sailed to South pacific in 1978-9, Mexico in 1988-90, and 1991. Currently finishing a re-fit of a Cal 40. Would be very interested in talking with you regarding your trip as we plan the same, but in reverse. I live in Point Richmond and boat is at RYC. Please respond by e-mail. Look forward to hearing from you. — Richard

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